

  • Donna
  • 64
  • parma

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Mi descrivo

Io amo la semplicità che si accompagna con l'umiltà. Mi piace la gente che sa ascoltare il vento sulla pelle, sentire gli odori delle cose, catturarne l'anima. Perchè lì c'è verità, lì c'è dolcezza, lì c'è sensibilità, lì c'è ancora amore. Alda Merini

Su di me

Situazione sentimentale


Lingue conosciute


I miei pregi


I miei difetti


Amo & Odio

Tre cose che amo

  1. nessuna
  2. nessuna
  3. nessuna

Tre cose che odio

  1. nessuna
  2. nessuna
  3. nessuna

The law of Karma

The law of Karma relates to all relationships like a mirror reflects an image. Karma means conseguence. Everything you do has its conseguence. If you avoid certain people, others will certain avoid you. If you are selfish, you will eventually find yourself in a shell of indulgence. You cannot escape what you do in life. If, on the other hand, you treat yourself with love and respect, you will be loved and respected. If you see the universe as one perfect entity, the world will show you how perfect it really is. If you love, you will be loved. It is a Karmic law that if you give, you shall receive. Why worry about your life? Everything is merely a reflection. You cannot be cheated. It all comes back eventually, because in the end it is all one. You cannot even take "short cuts", because everything you do has a conseguence. Relax, just be yourself. Trust and have faith in the balance and harmony of life.

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